Prepare Your Home Before Remodeling

Prepare Your Home Before Remodeling

📅July 25th, 2013, 14:52

Prepare Your Home Before Remodeling

Before the cabinets arrive, choose a safe, enclosed area for your cabinets and appliances to be delivered to. The garage is generally a good location.

Decide in advance where you’d like the installers to store their tools.

Dust…there’s just no way to avoid it! If you have a fish tank or electrical equipment in close proximity to the workspace, make sure they are well covered.
Use plastic sheeting and tape to seal off doorways into other rooms.

Move all pictures, mirrors, and furniture away from the walls of adjacent rooms—vibrations from the construction could cause damage.

Don’t forget about your pets! If there isn’t an area in your home to keep them safely away from construction, especially during certain phases, it may be the perfect time to treat your pet to a vacation at the kennel or a play date at a friend’s home.

As a fond farewell to your old kitchen, spend some time in it. Cook family favorites and throw them in the freezer…you’ll thank yourself later!